Monday, January 24, 2011

Next Events

On Wednesday, 26th Jan Padraig Whooley of the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group will give an illustrated talk on whales and dolphins in Irish waters starting at 8pm at the Spirit Store, Dundalk Docks, Dundalk.

The Sixth Carlingford Birding weekend will also run this weekend (4, 5, and 6th February) - email me if interested details here:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Brent Geese

Our first talk of the year for 2011 will be on Monday next, 3rd January 2011 at 8pm at the Spirit Store. This month Dr Kendrew Colhoun of RSPB Northern Ireland and the Irish Brent Goose Study Group will give a talk on the fascinating life history and consevation of tha population of Brent Geese that breeds in the high Canadian Arctic and overwinters in Ireland.

Entry is free and all are welcome!