Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Foundation - 2007

In January 2007 we had two further events:

- Talk on South African Birds and other wildlife by Billy Clarke, a noted wildlife photographer
- Outing with local school as part of CoastWatch Europe event (this was featured on rte news).

Then, in February, following our trial period, we submitted a proposal to Birdwatch Ireland for founding the branch.

A further event birding weekend at Carlingford was organised on February 10th led by Eric Dempsey and attracted over 60 participants.

Carlingford biodiversity

In February, Steve Newton from Birdwatch Ireland came and gave us an account of the situation with Irish seabirds, Steve's speciality.

In April our own Peter Phillips gave an inspiring talk on bird conservation in Mauritius, followed by the more mundane, but nevertheless important, topic of bird conservation in County Louth.

On the 15th May we received confirmation that the Branch could be formed. Founder members were Enda Flynn, Gerry O'Neill (Secretary), Derek Watters (Treasurer) and Breffni Martin (Chairman).

During the following months we ran the following events:

- Sunday 20th May, 5am, Spring Chorus Walk, Ravensdale Park

- Monday 28th May 8pm Spirit Store, Dundalk Docks - Eric Dempsey, "Here Today Gone Tomorrow" - A Talk about Extinctions and New Arrivals in Ireland

- Monday 11th June 8pm Spirit Store, Dundalk Docks - Don Hodgers, "Spring Trip Report, Alicante, Spain"

- Monday 3rd September 8pm Spirit Store Dundalk docks - John Lovatt, "Birds of County Cavan"

- Monday, 8th October, 8pm Spirit Store Dundalk Docks - illustrated talk by Kieran Buckley entitled "Irelands grey partridge - history, conservation and management."

Monday, 5th November, 8pm Spirit Store Dundalk Docks - illustrated talk by Sandra McKeever - "Little Tern Conservation at Baltray."

Little Terns

- Monday, 3rd December, 8pm Spirit Store - illustrated talk by Damian Clarke - "Raptor Reintroductions in Ireland"

This final talk of the year by Damian from the Golden Eagle Trust was one of our most popular with 64 people in attendance.

Black Guillemot Conservation

The refurbishment of the nesting holes for Black Guillemots at Giles Quay was supplemented by placing nesting boxes for the Black Guillemot Colony at Greenore Port.

Black Guillemots


During the summer Sandra McKeever and Peter Phillips joined the committee and the first AGM was held on the 3rd September 2007. Conservation projects covering geese at Lurgangreen, shellfish collection in Dundalk Bay, and Black Guillemots at Clogherhead, the third colony of this species in Louth.

1 comment:

Brad said...

That's a gorgeous bird.